Community Support Fund

St. Colman’s Credit Union’s Community Support fund of €136,000 is an initiative designed to support projects within our common bond for Social, Cultural or Charitable purposes.

Community Support Fund

Community Support Fund

St. Colman’s Credit Union’s Community Support fund of €136,000 is an initiative designed to support projects within our common bond for Social, Cultural or Charitable purposes.

Community Support Fund

St. Colman’s Credit Union is delighted to announce and launch its Community Support fund of €136,000. The fund is an initiative designed to support projects within our common bond for Social, Cultural or Charitable purposes. The nature of the entity, event or project must be consistent with the ethos and values of the credit union movement and the maximum support towards any one entity will be €20,000.

We are very proud of the number of groups that we already support through our sponsorship and this fund of €136,000 is in addition to that.

We welcome applications for Community Support from any charity, sporting group, education institution, voluntary organisation, club, society or similar entity for any worthwhile purpose.

Funds intend to be disbursed quarterly starting from early June 2024, when all applications received by 31st May will be considered.

Further disbursements will be available for applications received in the quarters ending 31st August, 30th November and 28th February.

All applications received in any such quarter will be considered during the first week of each new quarter.

Please review the terms and conditions prior to submitting any applications.

All completed application forms can be emailed to and or handed into either office clearly marked Community Support Fund application.

Terms & Conditions

1: The Credit Union welcomes applications for Community Support from any charity, sporting group, education institution, voluntary organisation, club, society or similar entity for any worthwhile purpose.

2: The Community Support Fund is aimed at

  • one-off entities, events or projects which will have a legacy for the community &
  • not at those which will require support on a recurring basis.

3: Eligibility for Community Support will be based on the information received, the reason for the request, how the funds will be used and benefits to the community it serves. The nature of the entity, event or project must be consistent with the ethos and values of the credit union movement and the maximum support towards any one entity will be €20,000.

4: Applicants must be located within the Credit Union’s Common Bond area.

5: Funding will be given to entities or events or other projects but not to individual persons.

6: Funds will be disbursed over quarterly periods starting from early June 2024, when all applications received by 31st May will be considered. Further disbursements will be available for applications received in the quarters ending 31st August, 30th November and 28th February. All applications received in any such quarter will be considered during the first week of each new quarter.

7: Approvals will be conditional upon the following;

  • the application must describe the benefits which the Credit Union and the community will get through its Community Support for the entity, event or other project;
  • the funds must be used only for the purpose(s) specified in the application;
  • the Credit Union can publicise the fact of its support on social media, its website or other promotional media as well as in its offices or publications;
  • where the entity, event or other project promotes itself on social media or elsewhere the Community Support given by the Credit Union must be given appropriate acknowledgement, using the Credit Union logo and banner (which the Credit Union will provide where necessary) where appropriate;
  • where funding has been provided in respect of capital works, once completed it must display a permanent sign acknowledging the funding provided by the Credit Union, in addition to the Credit Union logo.

8: The entity, event or other project which received Community Support must provide the Credit Union with proof of how its support was acknowledged (e.g. with photographs, copies of event brochures or adverts, printed items, copy of article in a newspaper etc.).

9: If the entity, event or other project is cancelled or deferred, the funds must be returned to the Credit Union.

10: Failure to adhere to the terms and conditions could preclude the entity, event or other project from getting further sponsorship from the Credit Union.

Community Support Fund Application Form

Fill out the form below or alternatively you can click here to download the form.

Community Support Fund Application Form
Do you agree to providing documentary evidence that all funding is in place to allow the proposed project, proceed to completion?
Do you need any permission or approval for this project?
Do you consent to the fact that the Credit Union gave its financial support to be published in its written and electronic media?
Can you confirm that you have read the Terms & Conditions for Community Support and agree to be bound by them:

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