A number of companies like An Post, DPD and other financial institutions have reported fraudulent texts and emails that are being sent randomly requesting consumers to contact the number provided or to click on the link.
We remind our members of the importance to not click on any links on any texts or emails received.
Don’t click on links, attachments or images that you receive in unsolicited text messages without first verifying the sender – you do this by contacting the sender i.e., if its your bank you don’t use the number provided on the email or text – you will find the number of the bank on the back of your visa debit card or credit card.
Don’t be rushed. Take your time and make the appropriate checks before responding.
Never respond to a text message that requests your PIN or your online banking password or any other security credentials.
If you think you might have responded to a smishing text and provided your bank details, contact your bank immediately.
For further information on the different types of scams please refer to FraudSMART at www.fraudsmart.ie