Always use a secure network:
An unsecure network is a hackers paradise. They can capture your information without you being aware, so think twice before logging onto an unsecure wi-fi network.
Never disclose your personal details:
A financial institution will never ask you to disclose your account number and/or pin number. If you receive an email or phone call requesting this information, contact the institution immediately in order to verify if the request is authentic. Remember, if you receive a phone call, ring the institution from a different phone/line as the hackers may have the ability to control the phone which you received the original call from.
Use complex passwords:
Use passwords with a Capital Letter, a Number and a Symbol. Don’t use common words. Use different passwords for different log in’s, that way if one password is compromised, then your other information is safe.
Do not share too much information on social media forums:
We live in a world where social media is a given. Be careful not to share too much information that may lead to your identity being compromised.
Use secure sites when buying on line:
If the website begins with “https” it means the website is secured using an SSL Certificate. The S stands for secure.
Ensure your Anti-Virus Software is up to date:
Anti-Virus software protects your computers and phones against certain virus. It is important to keep this software up to date.
Studies have shown that personal data is more valuable than cash, so be careful on line.